Pick Your Ticket!

Pick Your Ticket!

It’s Pick Your Ticket with Joey and Nancy!

Every Saturday during the Tennessee Football games on WIVK, listen for Joey and Nancy to tell you the name of a song to listen for during Joey and Nancy’s Monday morning show! For this week it will be Tuesday morning due to Labor Day!

When you hear that song, be caller 7 for a chance to pick your ticket to see Tennessee’s next home game, a major East Tennessee concert PLUS receive a $25 gift card to Salsarita’s!

Just for playing you’ll be entered to win a flat screen tv and a catered party by Salsarita’s!  

Brought to you by The Ooten Law Firm and Your Flagship Station for the Vols, 107.7 WIVK!


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Pick Your Ticket!

Pick Your Ticket!

It’s Pick Your Ticket with Joey and Nancy!

Every Saturday during the Tennessee Football games on WIVK, listen for Joey and Nancy to tell you the name of a song to listen for during Joey and Nancy’s Monday morning show! For this week it will be Tuesday morning due to Labor Day!

When you hear that song, be caller 7 for a chance to pick your ticket to see Tennessee’s next home game, a major East Tennessee concert PLUS receive a $25 gift card to Salsarita’s!

Just for playing you’ll be entered to win a flat screen tv and a catered party by Salsarita’s!  

Brought to you by The Ooten Law Firm and Your Flagship Station for the Vols, 107.7 WIVK!